This data is to be updated. This is from our first tests. We have further data to publish soon.

RBF Original Testing

Our initial testing results are displayed here. This is not a current display of who we have in our rattery. Truthfully, we did de-populate some. We will likely not test those who were de-populated.

RBF Initial Results

Current Population

This is a current count of the positive and negatives in our rattery. We have quarantined out negatives and are currently undergoing research with our positives to further the knowledge of RBF and how it behaves. This does not showcase any of our 5 litters who are currently under 4 weeks old and with their biological mothers who are negative.

Current Population

RBF By Age

We discovered that it took only 1 adult to turn babies to RBF positive. But, in their 3.5 months with adult rats, they did not successfully pass it to the adults.

Positives by Age